Autrain-Onota Public Schools Board
School Districts: Elected Officials | Public School District Boards
Recent News About Autrain-Onota Public Schools Board
How many students were enrolled in AuTrain-Onota Public Schools in 2022-23 school year?
For the 2022-23 school year, AuTrain-Onota Public Schools reported the same enrollment numbers compared to the previous year.
Alger County's districts student body comprised mostly of white students in 2022-23 school year
The most prevalent ethnicity in the Alger County districts' student body in the 2022-23 school year was white, according to the Michigan Department of Education.
Michigan Education: 958 students enrolled in Alger County school districts in 2022-23 school year
There were 958 students enrolled in Alger County school districts in the 2022-23 school year, according to the Michigan Department of Education.
There was 1 multiracial student enrolled in AuTrain-Onota Public Schools in 2022-23 school year
In AuTrain-Onota Public Schools 4.2% of students identified as multiracial in the 2022-23 school year.
How many American Indian students were enrolled in AuTrain-Onota Public Schools in 2022-23 school year?
In AuTrain-Onota Public Schools 4.2% of students identified as American Indian in the 2022-23 school year.
AuTrain-Onota Public Schools Education: 22 white students were enrolled in 2022-23 school year
In AuTrain-Onota Public Schools 91.7% of students identified as white in the 2022-23 school year.
Alger County Education: Which district had most students enrolled in schools in 2022-23 school year?
Munising Public Schools stood out with the highest student enrollment in Alger County, welcoming 570 students in the 2022-23 school year.
There were 14 multiracial students enrolled in Alger County districts in 2022-23 school year
There were 14 multiracial students enrolled in Alger County districts in the 2022-23 school year, according to the Michigan Department of Education.
How many American Indian students were enrolled in Alger County districts in 2022-23 school year?
There were 116 American Indian students enrolled in Alger County districts in the 2022-23 school year, according to the Michigan Department of Education.
Alger County Education: 786 white students were enrolled in 2022-23 school year
In Alger County districts, 83.4% of students identified as white in the 2022-23 school year.
Holiday Concert/ Show Wednesday, December 21
Holiday Concert/ Show Wednesday, December 21 at 6:30! Please Join Us!
Open Positions for 2022-2023
AuTrain-Onota Public Schools is seeking a part-time music education teacher starting with the 2022-2023 school year.
State of Michigan spends $460,699 on public education employees working at Autrain-Onota Public Schools in 2021
The State of Michigan spent $460,699 on public education employees working at Autrain-Onota Public Schools in 2021, making this the 628th-ranked organization in terms of total salary paid by the state.
State of Michigan spends $410,341 on public education employees working at Autrain-Onota Public Schools in 2020
The State of Michigan spent $410,341 on public education employees working at Autrain-Onota Public Schools in 2020, making this the 647th-ranked organization in terms of total salary paid by the state.
Public education employees in Alger County earn $6,348,677 in salaries in 2021
Four employers in Alger County paid $6,348,677 combined for public education employee salaries in 2021, ranking it 74th among Michigan counties.
Scholastic Book Fair
Our Scholastic Book Fair will be taking place both in-person and online this year from January 31 to February 11th.
ESSER III Stakeholder Survey for AuTrain-Onota Public Schools
AuTrain-Onota Public Schools is seeking stakeholder input on the use of ESSER III monies.
Randy Curtis earns 1.5% more in 2019 working as a public employee in Alger County
Randy Curtis earned $34,257 in 2019, 1.5 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Alger County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Jennifer Hough earns 5.7% more in 2019 working as a public employee in Alger County
Jennifer Hough earned $19,304 in 2019, 5.7 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Alger County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Alisa Charlebois earns $509 during 2020 working at Autrain-Onota Public Schools
Alisa Charlebois with Autrain-Onota Public Schools ranks in the first percentile in pay as a public Michigan employee by earning $509 in 2020, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.