Burt Township School District Board
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National Substance Abuse Prevention Month
October is National Substance Abuse Prevention month.
August 2022
There’s been nothing more all-consuming this August than the construction taking place on the school.
Here's the upcoming schedule
Our fall sports season is right around the corner.
State of Michigan spends $420,144 on public education employees working at the Burt Township School District in 2021
The State of Michigan spent $420,144 on public education employees working at the Burt Township School District in 2021, making this the 629th-ranked organization in terms of total salary paid by the state.
State of Michigan spends $353,158 on public education employees working at the Burt Township School District in 2020
The State of Michigan spent $353,158 on public education employees working at the Burt Township School District in 2020, making this the 649th-ranked organization in terms of total salary paid by the state.
Public education employees in Alger County earn $6,348,677 in salaries in 2021
Four employers in Alger County paid $6,348,677 combined for public education employee salaries in 2021, ranking it 74th among Michigan counties.
Scott Boddy earns 22.5% more in 2019 working as a public employee in Alger County
Scott Boddy earned $53,597 in 2019, 22.5 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Alger County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Grand Marais
The Burt Township School District School Forest holds a special place in the hearts and minds of people in Grand Marais.
One current vacant position on the Board of Education
The Burt Township School District is seeking applications for one current vacant position on the board of education.
Jordan Dobberstein earns 5.1% more in 2019 working as a public employee in Alger County
Jordan Dobberstein earned $36,961 in 2019, 5.1 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Alger County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Ketchup or Gravy?
Ketchup or Gravy?
It’s been a minute, eh?
It’s been a minute, eh?
Fun Food Fact
Strawberries are the only fruit that has seeds on the outside.
Heidi Homeister earns 3% more in 2019 working as a public employee in Alger County
Heidi Homeister earned $76,500 in 2019, three percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Alger County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Fall Spirit Week
Next week is our fall spirit week here at Grand Marais School.
Louis Justman earns 6.8% more in 2019 working as a public employee in Alger County
Louis Justman earned $38,940 in 2019, 6.8 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Alger County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
End of September 2021
The colors are really changing now.
Kathleen Waters earns $700 during 2020 working at Burt Township School District
Kathleen Waters with Burt Township School District ranks in the second percentile in pay as a public Michigan employee by earning $700 in 2020, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Linda Corey earns $875 during 2020 working at Burt Township School District
Linda Corey with Burt Township School District ranks in the second percentile in pay as a public Michigan employee by earning $875 in 2020, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Louis Bailey earns $4,902 during 2020 working at Burt Township School District
Louis Bailey with Burt Township School District ranks in the eighth percentile in pay as a public Michigan employee by earning $4,902 in 2020, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.