U.P. Notable Book Club | Escanaba Public Library fb
U.P. Notable Book Club | Escanaba Public Library fb
U.P. Notable Book Club features Phyllis M. Wong, author of "We Kept Our Towns Going: The Gossard Girls of Michigan's Upper Peninsula" on Thursday, March 9th, 2023 at 7pm Eastern / 6pm Central. Ms. Wong presents a history of the H.W. Gossard company and the thousands of women they employed in Ishpeming and Gwinn. These jobs changed both the lives of the workers and the entire community itself.
Please contact Evelyn Gathu in advance by emailing egathu@crystalfallslibrary.org, or by phone (906) 875-3344. The book club events are open to all Michigan residents free of charge and will be held via Zoom.
Original source can be found here.