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Randolph Schaedig is the highest paid Les Cheneaux Community Schools employee among employees whose salary information was made available.
The data was gathered by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. The Mackinac Center for Public Policy is a nonprofit research and educational institute.
Highest paid employees at Les Cheneaux Community Schools in 2018
Rank | Employee Full Name | Amount Earned |
1 | Randolph Schaedig | $90,000 |
2 | Jill McLeod | $68,174 |
3 | Kristine Hill | $66,200 |
4 | Cristi Cryderman-Smith | $65,557 |
5 | Julie Davis | $63,662 |
6 | David Duncan | $62,847 |
7 | Gretchen Storey | $62,461 |
8 | Joanna Izzard | $60,444 |
9 | Alan Jacobus | $60,351 |
10 | Laurie Pearson | $58,571 |
11 | Robert Barr | $57,940 |
12 | Edward McClure III | $57,623 |
13 | Ryan Wilson | $49,793 |
14 | Christine Cloud | $45,916 |
15 | Rebecca Walch | $45,308 |
16 | April Brood | $40,864 |
17 | Jacob Keeler | $37,439 |
18 | Jason Duncan | $36,910 |
19 | Mitchel Mast | $35,920 |
20 | Jessica Keilholtz | $34,720 |
21 | Joanne Baker | $24,700 |
22 | Marcie Fierek | $23,229 |
23 | Kimberly Booth-Thompson | $19,469 |
24 | Davine Hester | $18,412 |
25 | Thomas Coyne | $15,633 |
26 | Kris Mills | $14,801 |
27 | Leanne Cason | $13,035 |
28 | Elizabeth James | $7,925 |
29 | William Kohlmann | $6,322 |
30 | Steven Honnila | $1,306 |