Rep. Beau LaFave | Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Beau LaFave | Michigan House Republicans
State Rep. Beau LaFave (R-Iron Mountain) published a statement on the Michigan House Republicans website stating the reasons why he opposed the extension of the stay-at-home order issued by Gov. Whitmer, saying it was the “wrong way to approach public health.”
He emphasized the diversity of Michigan, calling it “the most diverse state in the most diverse country that has ever existed in the history of the world.” LaFave said the geography, as well as the voting constituents, helped to emphasize the unique qualities of Michigan.
LaFave does not believe that Michigan is using its diversity as a strength during the COVID-19 crisis.
His examples include the stay-at-home order, writing that a one-size-fits-all approach was not working for Michigan. One reason is that the population density varies in different parts of Michigan, and rural populations are not being affected the same way as urban populations are.
Spread maps show metropolitan areas as epicenters of the virus. Some areas, such as the Upper Peninsula, are less likely to cause undue stress to the health care system.
Nonessential business closures are causing economic problems, according to LaFave, and he's expecting bigger problems in the future. Michigan relies heavily on its tax dollars for essential services, which could impact police salaries, teacher pay, availability of first responders and road repair.
“I don’t know about you, but every paycheck one relies on to provide for themselves and their families is essential,” said LaFave. “Rather than having a debate about which jobs are ‘essential’ or ‘nonessential,’ we should be focused on determining which jobs can be performed safely.”
He suggested a “commonsense” approach to reopening businesses. In particular, he feels there are safe and manageable ways for landscape work, marina operations, construction and remodeling projects, and dock work to resume.